Hello everyone! Here is a copy of the full drama calendar. I do my absolute best not to change this, but if we have a snow day or something along those lines, the one that is here will always be correct. I will update it and make sure the current one is what is posted. Thank you for taking the time to make sure your student is at all the rehearsals he/she should be. I warn you now, I will have to add rehearsals for the snow dancers. I will adjust that asap and let you know when it's posted.
Reminder, this year I did not put things like "SCENES 1-5 MUST BE MEMORIZED BY (insert date here)" because everytime the students come to a rehearsal to learn a scene, the listed scene and songs must be memorized. Parents, I could really use your help with this. I'd also love for students to have a drama folder or something (some will be given one) with the calendar in it so they can take some responsibility on their own. Teachers and office staff are not going to know when a child is supposed to be at rehearsal. That is not their job. Please do not ask them. It is the responsibility of each student/family to know when it's their day to come. I know this takes a little work up front, but I suggest looking at the cast list and all of the parts they play, and going through the calendar and highlighting all of the days those roles are to come.
Monday is everyone, and I CANNOT wait!! We are going to blow you away in March and I'm already so excited I can't stand it!